Energy is all there is. Scientifically speaking, all matter is composed of minuscule particles of energy – vibrating, pulsing, weaving into manifestation as solid objects. Our human bodies are composed of a latticework of vibrating energy systems which we can affect with touch, intention, movement, and other methods. Physical manifestation of dis-ease is preceded by energetic imbalance in the vibrational frequencies of the subtle energy fields within and surrounding the physical body. Energetic habits that we develop throughout our human experience will either support or weaken our ability to be healthy, strong, happy and vibrant. Our health depends on how integrated and flowing we can keep our subtle energies.
The beauty of Eden Energy Medicine is that every person can be empowered to positively affect their own subtle energies with a basic understanding of the energetic systems at work in the body, and the simple exercises that can manage those energies.

Seeing a practitioner for treatment is only one way to utilize energy medicine for your improved health. Sessions can vary in the ratio between treatment and education for your take-home practice. Long-distance coaching for developing skills and building a personal energy routine, can be very beneficial for the individual who is intent on improving their health and vitality through self-responsibility.
Janie has studied and trained extensively with Donna Eden in her approach to Energy Medicine since 1999, and is an Advanced Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, as well as a senior member of Donna’s teaching staff. For an extensive look at energy medicine sessions or classes with Janie, and her educational DVDs visit